6 Reasons For Jeep Wrangler Oil Leak Between Engine and Transmission

Jeep wrangler oil leak between engine and transmission

If you own a Jeep Wrangler, you may have experienced an oil leak between the engine and transmission.

While this is a common issue for Wrangler owners, you should know why it occurs and how to fix it.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Symptoms of Oil Leaks in Jeep Wrangler

As the owner of a Jeep Wrangler, you should be aware of the symptoms of an oil leak. Oil leaks can be a huge trouble, so identify them soon.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of an oil leak.

1. Oil Pressure Light

The oil pressure light due to less engine pressure is one of the common symptoms of an oil leak. If you have noticed this light, try to check your engine oil level as soon as possible.

Oil pressure light.
Image source: CarTreatments.com

2. Increased Engine Noise

Another symptom is an increase in engine noise. If you notice your engine running louder than usual, then it could be due to an oil leak.

The leaking oil can get into the engine parts and make them work harder. It can cause an increase in noise and a reduction in performance.

3. Oil Puddles in the Driveway

It is a clear indication of an oil leak. If you notice puddles of oil under your Jeep after parking, you should check for other signs of an oil leak.

4. Low Engine Oil Levels

Your car engine can have a low oil level due to leakage.

Check your oil dipstick regularly to ensure the optimum level of your engine oil.

Reasons Why Engine Oil Leaks Between Engine and Transmission in Jeep Wrangler

There are a few reasons why oil might leak between your Jeep Wrangler’s engine and transmission. Let’s have a look.

Engine oil leaks between engine and transmission.
Image source: JEEPForum

1. Oil Pan Gasket Leak

Oil pan gasket is the most common cause. The gasket seals the connection between the engine and transmission. The gasket’s leak will cause oil to seep into the transmission.

Oil pan gasket leak.
Image source: CarTreatments.com

Another possible cause of leakage is improper seals or gaskets that seal these two components together. Over time, these seals can deteriorate and start to leak.

2. Overfilled Engine Oil

Overfilling the engine oil can lead to leakage as well. Adding excess oil to the engine can cause it to seep past oil pan seals and gaskets, resulting in a leak.

3. Broken Rear Main Seal

A broken rear main seal is one of the most common reasons for an engine oil leak between the engine and transmission in a Jeep Wrangler.

Broken rear main seal.
Image source: CarTreatments.com

The rear main seal is responsible for sealing the gap between the engine and transmission that wears out over time. The rear main seal is likely responsible for the engine oil leak in your vehicle.

4. Worn Valve Cover Gaskets

Worn-out valve cover seals and gaskets also lead to engine oil leaks between the engine and transmission in Jeep Wranglers.

The valve cover gasket is worn out from heat and age and loses the sealing property. It can cause oil to leak out from around the valve covers.

5. Clogged Engine Oil Filter

An engine oil drip between the engine and transmission can be due to a clogged filter. A clogged filter doesn’t allow the oil to flow through easily, causing a backup of oil in the system. It can cause pressure to build up and eventually lead to a leak.

Clogged filter.
Image source: Oards.com

6. Loose Filler Caps

Lastly, an engine oil leak is also a result of loose filler caps. If your filler cap is not tight, it can cause oil to leak out. It is especially true for a high-performance engine, producing excess heat.

Engine oil leaks.
Image source: DuPage CDJR

How To Fix Jeep Wrangler Oil Leak Between Engine and Transmission? (+ Cost of Fixing)

Do you have a Jeep Wrangler with an oil leak between the engine and transmission? If so, you’re not alone.

Here’s what you can do:

How to fix oil leak between engine and transmission.
Image source: Jeep Wrangler Forums

1. Tighten Filler Caps, Drain Plugs, and Bolts

There is an easy fix if you have a Jeep Wrangler with an oil leak between the engine and transmission. All you need to do is tighten the filler cap, drain plug, and bolts.

Many things can cause this oil leak, loose bolts being the common one. So, to fix this oil leak, tighten the loose bolts.

2. Use Engine Oil Stop Leak

You always have the option of stopping the engine oil leak.

First, check the level of your engine oil. If it’s low, top it off and see if it stops the leak. Check for leaks in the hoses and gaskets if it doesn’t.

Look for any cracks or holes for checking hoses. If you find any, replace the hose. Similarly, you should check the gasket for wear or tear. If you find any, replace them soon.

3. Valve Cover or Oil Pan Gasket Replacement

An oil leak is likely due to a failed valve cover or oil pan gasket, which you can fix with the right tools and knowledge.

First, determine which gasket leaks — the valve cover or the oil pan gasket.

Then replace the gasket if the valve covers leak. In case of a leak from the oil pan, go for an oil pan gasket replacement in your vehicle.

Valve cover replacement.
Image source: Mobil

4. Replace the Rear Main Seal

Another quick fix is to replace the rear main oil pan seal.

You can always do it yourself with a new rear main seal, RTV silicone sealant, a clean rag, and some spare time.

Replace the rear main seal.
Image source: iFixit

The first step is to determine the location of the source of the leak. You can do it by cleaning off the area around the leaks and running the Jeep for a short period.

Once you’ve found the source, replace the rear main seal.

How To Prevent Engine Oil Leaks in Jeep Wrangler?

Jeep Wrangler is one of the most popular off-road vehicles on the market. But, like most vehicles, they’re susceptible to engine oil leaks.

Take proper care, or losing oil can cause significant damage to your engine.

Coolant leak.
Image source: Stack Exchange

So, how do you prevent engine oil leaks in Jeep Wrangler?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Check your engine oil regularly in the oil pan and take your vehicle for an oil change. Periodic oil changes will help prevent leaking from happening.
  2. If you do notice a leak, don’t ignore it! Take your Jeep to a qualified mechanic for an immediate fix.
  3. Be proactive about maintenance and change your jeep’s oil according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It keeps your engine in good condition with fewer chances of leaks.
  4. Inspect the oil seals, pan, and gaskets regularly for any wear or damage.
  5. Keep an eye on your hoses and clamps. Loose hoses or clamps can create a point of weakness, causing oil leaks. Periodically check them and tighten them.
  6. Avoid overfilling the engine oil in the vehicle’s oil pan. It can cause pressure build-up, leading to leaks.
  7. Keep the engine bay clean to spot any potential oil leaks.
Engine bay.
Image source: MotorBiscuit

Final Thoughts: Jeep Wrangler Oil Leak Between Engine and Transmission

Don’t panic if you own a Jeep Wrangler and notice oil leaking between the engine and transmission.

There are a few reasons this could happen, which can get fixed easily.

Check your oil level, your vehicle’s power steering fluid level, and your gasket for any leaks.

With some preventative maintenance, you can avoid these Jeep Wrangler oil leaks altogether.

For more engine-oil-related information, explore our blog today.

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