5 Causes of Car Vibrating After an Oil change

Maintenance of a car ensures its smooth and efficient running. One of the key components of that is maintaining the oil level. Unfortunately, sometimes, oil change results in vibrations in the car.

But what causes these oil vibrations, and what can you do to resolve them?

Read on to find out:

Is It Normal for a Car To Vibrate After an Oil Change?

If a car is vibrating, it most likely needs rectification of mechanical issues for smooth running. The most common cause of vibration after an oil change is improper installation or lack of lubrication on parts such as motor mounts.

Other potential issues include misalignment of drive shafts, unbalanced wheels or tires, or engine parts that have worn out over time and need replacement. Make sure to inspect the entire vehicle for any irregularities when addressing vibration caused by an oil change.

Check for loose bolts, tighten any loose connections or plugs, and make sure all components are properly lubricated. Additionally, check fluid levels, such as transmission fluid and power steering fluid, that affect the response of the vehicle while driving.

Causes Why Your Car Is Vibrating After an Oil Change

Here are the reasons why a car might be vibrating after an oil change.

1. Faulty Oil Pressure Sensor

A faulty oil pressure sensor can cause vibration in your car after an oil change. The oil pressure sensor helps measure the amount of oil pressure circulating through your engine.

Failure can create an issue with the piston’s force when powering the car and its components. This could lead to vibrations within your car’s system instead of compensation for the lack of power.

faulty oil pressure sensor.
Image source: AAMCO Transmissions Inc

To diagnose a faulty oil pressure sensor, check for any issues with your engine, such as leaks or damage and warning lights on your dashboard, or inspect under-hood hoses and belts for signs of wear and tear.

2. Engine Oil Levels Being Low

One of the most important aspects of vehicle maintenance is ensuring sufficient engine oil levels.

If your car vibrates after an oil change, it could show low engine oil levels or the wrong lubricant. This can cause significant damage to other components, such as valves and pistons, and lead to expensive repairs if left unchecked.

Check for enough oil for the smooth functioning of your car. Many vehicles come with standard dipsticks that allow you to check the levels at home easily.

However, some newer models don’t have these tools, so you may need assistance from a mechanic or technician having access to special equipment for checking your engine’s lubrication system.

3. Engine Oil Level High

Did you recently change the oil in your car, only to find that it’s now vibrating? Your car may have too much engine oil. In most cases, this happens due to additional lubrication during service. It can also occur due to a malfunctioning part in the engine or if the oil filter isn’t properly attached.

High engine oil levels can cause severe wear and tear on essential components like cylinders and pistons, leading to costly repairs down the line. Unusual vibrations are often one of the first signs that something is wrong with your engine after an oil change.

Thankfully, this problem can be fixed quickly by draining some excess oil and replacing it with new lubricant.

4. Clogged Oil Filter

Clogged oil filters can cause vibration in your car after the oil change. The oil filter keeps dirt and debris out of the engine, so replace it regularly.

When an old, clogged filter isn’t replaced, it can lead to reduced lubrication and the build-up of sludge and harmful particles in the engine. This may cause your car to vibrate or shake until you get it fixed with a new oil filter.

Clogged oil filter
Image source: Mechanic Base

A clogged oil filter also reduces the flow of motor oil throughout your vehicle’s system, leading to increased friction between metal components for smooth movement.

This additional friction results in vibration felt through your car’s body and frame, as well as its seating area if you’re driving at high speeds.

5. Wrong Oil Viscosity

Oil viscosity plays a crucial role in the performance of your vehicle. If you have noticed that your car is vibrating after an oil change, it may be due to thick engine oil or thin engine oil being used.

You need the right engine oil for your car’s optimal functioning, or else; it could lead to serious damage.

Viscosity refers to the thickness or thinness of motor oil, affecting the lubrication within the engine’s components. Hence, avoid using thick engine oil when changing your vehicle’s oil – even a slight difference can cause noticeable changes in how smoothly and optimally your car runs.

What Can You Do To Stop Car Shaking After an Oil Change?

Monitor the technician performing the work to prevent your car from shaking after an oil change. Ensure all parts are installed properly, such as new gaskets and seals and oil leaks, to prevent the entry of air into the system when you start up your engine again. 

Ensure Proper Oil Levels

It’s essential to check the oil level after you get an oil change to make sure everything is okay and there is no oil leak to prevent the car from shaking or stalling.

Here’s how you can do so:

Check the owner’s manual for instructions on reading and interpreting the dipstick readings. Make sure to note any specific details related to a particular vehicle, make, or model; these details may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Once you know where and how to look at the dipstick readings, use a rag or paper towel to wipe off any excess fluid before checking it again.

Check for the Malfunctioning Sensors

Many drivers of cars with automatic transmissions are familiar with the feeling of a car shaking after an oil change.

Various issues, such as malfunctioning sensors or low transmission fluid levels, can cause this. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to diagnose and resolve this issue.

Start by checking your car’s sensors or oil change light to ensure they are functioning properly. If any of them appear to be malfunctioning, replace them with new ones immediately.

As a car owner, you should also check your car’s transmission fluid levels to ensure they are at their proper levels. If the fluid looks discolored or dirty, flush out the old fluid and refill it with new fluid before taking your car for a test drive.

Check Spark Plugs

Let’s check the spark plugs.

Checking spark plugs typically involves:

  • Removing their protective covering.
  • Cleaning them if necessary.
  • Inspecting them for signs of damage or wear.

Replacing a bad one is like unthreading it from the cylinder head and screwing in a new one. You can do this task with minimal tools or bring it to a mechanic for assistance.

Examine Air Filter

When a car shakes after an oil change, it may be related to the air filter. An air filter prevents dust and debris from entering the engine and damaging vital components.

If a clogged or dirty air filter is not replaced during an oil change, it can cause excessive engine vibrations. Additionally, using the wrong size or type of air filter can also lead to vibration issues in the engine.

Final Thoughts: 5 Causes of Car Vibrating After an Oil change

In conclusion, a vibrating car is a serious issue after an oil change. Several potential causes of this problem include a loose or worn-out engine mount, an imbalanced wheel, worn-out spark plugs, or a faulty transmission.

Avoid further damage to the vehicle by identifying and fixing the root cause as soon as possible. Regular maintenance and timely checkups are also key for keeping your car in proper condition.

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